
@[email protected]

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Fiivemacs ,

Furniture that needs to be bolted to the walls to ensure it doesn't fall apart from you walking around causing it to shake and wobble isn't furniture in my eyes, it's decor.

If it's made of Ikea 'wood', it's not worth it. Anything plastic molded, sure. It's probably ok for a year or two.

Fiivemacs ,

There so much branding names in the title, you literally have no idea wtf is being said. Good job companies, keep being shit.

Fiivemacs , should be a $70 game that you own, with no microtransactions.

Fiivemacs ,

No I don't remember, I don't actually play aaaaaa games because I detest these massive companies bullying kids for lunch money.

Fiivemacs ,

Go back to your roots...make a sprite game again.

I'm so sick of polished turds and needing flashing shit on the screen while fighting.

I want a turn based, ff3(6) style adventure with amazing story and music. I don't want live combat MMO style 3d with weird story and cars that you can't do anything with. I want to play the reason I fell in love with final Fantasy.

I personally couldn't stand anything after like ff9 and even then I prefer sprites.

Fiivemacs ,

It was exactly that, yes.

Fiivemacs ,

Mmmm...I say no, because the types of people that typically enjoy that type of music most likely have a higher standard of living and are able to provide a better lifestyle and life lessons then someone who listens to say...Eminem.

Fiivemacs ,


Buy console

Subscribe to internet

Subscribe to Xbox whatever

Subscribe to game

Buy in-game content

Fiivemacs ,

Yes...core game updates typically do break mods. This is nothing new

Fiivemacs ,

Ahh I see. Timing is key. Thx

Fiivemacs ,

Not returning ever since they forced microshit

Fiivemacs ,

Cool, waiting to see how the EA ads in games plays out I assume.

Fiivemacs ,

Lol gotta start those addictions as early as possible instead of just getting a key cut for $2

Fiivemacs ,

Are you blaming Sony for EAs game pricing?

Fiivemacs ,

And he should be. Fighting dumb laws with logic is great.

Fiivemacs , (edited )

Maybe they can just stop doing re.akes and actually be original again....

Lol @ everyone who wants the exact same stuff as 20 years ago, but more broken and jank. Hey at least it's got prettier pictures...right?....

Fiivemacs ,

But they are already alive with the ROM..

Fiivemacs ,

I get that but the title title implies that ROMs are dying and they need to be saved.

Fiivemacs ,

If you disregard facts because of emotion, that's a you problem.

Fiivemacs ,

And the people that bought it but can't get PSN accounts? Do they get a refund (HAHAHAHAH) or are they just fucked?

It's a huge change even if you can't grasp it.

Enough demanding accounts for everything.

bayaz , to Food

Meta post:

Hey, microblog folks! I'm the current owner of this magazine. I recently noticed that there has been a fair amount of spam on the microblog side recently. First off, I want to apologize for that. Second, I want to give a few explanations:

  • I mainly read threads (I know, that isn't a great excuse, but see my link later)
  • I only recently realized that kbin filtered out 18+ posts by default, so any spam posts that marked themselves as NSFW were invisible to me
  • There have been no unresolved user reports of spam for quite a while

So, I'm asking for your help in two ways to keep the magazine spam-free:
(1) Please report spam as you see it. I know it gets tiresome, especially as in general has been overrun recently, but I do check those reports regularly, and I will delete any spam that you report.
(2) If there is anyone who wants to be a moderator, please see this previous thread: invitation to moderate . Basically, if you are an active kbin user who shows interest, I will gladly add you as mod.

I will check the microblog more actively from now on to delete spam, but both of the above would be a big help to me in keeping the magazine (both threads and microblog) spam-free.

Overall, this community has been very straightforward to moderate -- no hate speech, flame wars, etc. Thank you all for that, and thanks for keeping this community active and vibrant!

Fiivemacs ,

I blame companies like meta and twitter and reddit for turning people into hate filled machines that would rather argue then discuss things. Their platforms are horrid cesspoles of negativity. I'm glad I'm detoxing from them and only using Lemmy however I fear because those same company's are leaking into the fediverse and will ultimately consume then destroy it the same way they destroy their current profit churning toys.

Fiivemacs ,

..I do. On my computer away from someone else's computer.

Fiivemacs ,

I want nothing but time on my LOCK screen. It's meant to be secure. Was even annoyed when I saw it in Linux lock screen.

Fiivemacs ,

It's like when the ISPs area me offer me a 'better Price's then my current internet plan..I know it's always bullshit and I refuse to accept the 'deal' that they can revoke at any moment and increase the cost of.

Fiivemacs ,

Original switch drift, never dropped or had controllers just fall out.

The fuck are people doing?

Fiivemacs ,

Seems neat, too bad they used a closed platform for their news.

Fiivemacs ,

Not me. I still use cash since 'tech' companies can't be trusted for shit.

Fiivemacs ,

You would be one to only look at the pictures ya mouth breather..

Fiivemacs ,

Did they move any icons to random spots..

Fiivemacs ,

I dunno, 2017 or something when they moved the refresh button for literally no reason.

Companies love UI changes to be fresh but it's more just a pain.

Fiivemacs ,

Nothing...literally nothing.

It's the same thing that people misheard

Fiivemacs ,

You probably didn't watch enough ads for crap you already bought

Fiivemacs ,

And I hope people start to realize things like the stream deck give you WAY more options for games, and overall versatility z and cost so much less because you do not need to pay more... And more... And more...

Fiivemacs ,

70$ games don't even exist in my eyes. Anyone who asks 70+, will ask for more right away. It's just greed

Fiivemacs ,

Too bad 'smart' watches are still dumb because you can't replace the battery easily and have to basically trash it. 'smart' is actually dumb for the end user..

Fiivemacs ,

I wonder how many pages they took from the EA playbook

Fiivemacs ,

I straight up tell companies to mail the form to me now.

All my banking is on paper, insurance, etc...its ALL paper copies. I'm not filtering through 4000 spam emails from companies to find my shit, then deal with subscriptions and other crap just to send things back.

Send me paper, and I will mail it back. Countless companies just can't process things anymore, it's hilarious

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