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lemmyreader ,

Looks pretty much opinionated. I like the colors and the whole of the image. I can agree with Gentoo Linux being very interesting, but not sure about CentOS. In that case I'd rather use Rocky or Alma, though for servers Debian fits my bill.

Auto kill memory leaking processes before swap death loop

I'm using linux mint 21.3, and a process (brave aka chrome) sometimes memory leaking, so eats all the RAM, and then linux goes into swap death loop, when everything freezes (sometimes the mouse cursor is moving), and nothing can't be done, i can just see the HDD led blinking, and do a reset....

lemmyreader ,

Would changing swappiness make a difference ? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Swap#Swappiness

  • For servers monit, a simple monitoring tool, can alert via email when CPU or RAM usage is too high. Is there something like that for desktops ?
lemmyreader OP ,

I've posted this because I believe Alpine Linux deserves more attention (And I'm a BSD fan, but that is irrelevant). It is light weight and very small and can be used on SBC boards. The documentation of Alpine Linux leaves a lot to be desired for beginning Linux users but is kind of okay for the more experienced Linux user.

EDPS decentralised social media pilot: the end of a successful story ( www.edps.europa.eu )

Unfortunately, despite our efforts to find a new home for EU Voice and EU Video in other EUIs, we have been unable to secure new ownership to maintain the servers and sustain operations at the high standards that EUIs and our users deserve”.

lemmyreader OP ,

The EU is still on Mastodon. https://social.network.europa.eu/@EU_Commission/112280054595900671 with 18 active users currently. I am not too keen on their content but I do see it as progress. When big names move from Tw(X)tter and other corporate silos, or at least use the alternatives like Mastodon alongside FB and so on, it can be an example for other organisations, companies and citizens to follow and use the Fediverse as well and I consider that a win.
The article was about EU Voice and EU video, the latter was with PeerTube. On the one hand I think it is a pity that they gave up, on the other hand the popularity and use of Google YouTube is enormous. It is not a monopoly but for countless people it is an addiction difficult to stay away from.

lemmyreader OP ,

Yes. I think (seen in other news) it is a shame to repeatedly see governments, companies and others say things like "We have no choice than to move to the cloud, because their offer and services are irreplaceable" where the cloud is GAFAM.
Meanwhile new data centers for Microsoft and Google are build in Europe, which maybe offers new jobs to some, but increases dependency on GAFAM. I found this article a sad story. A voice "successful" pilot but probably "never again" cause "money". But I guess the lobbying is strong in that area too, besides the easy of use of "just using YouTube". Last week I read an interview with a farmer mentioning that he and other farmers talked to high ranked EU politicians which encouraged them to keep protesting for a more sustainable agriculture but "they could not do anything for them". The farmer concluded that the lobbying by companies is very strong :(

lemmyreader ,

Your question reminded me of TabFS https://omar.website/tabfs

Examples of stuff you can do!

  • List the titles of all the tabs you have open
  • Cull tabs like any other files
  • Close all Stack Overflow tabs
  • Save text of all tabs to a file
  • Evaluate JavaScript on a page / watch expressions: demo
  • Get images / scripts / other resource files from page
  • Retrieve what's playing on YouTube Music: youtube-music-tabfs
  • Reload an extension when you edit its source code
  • TODO: Live edit a running Web page
  • TODO: Import data (JSON? XLS? JS?)
lemmyreader OP ,

🙂 I've seen several people, during some years now, recommended to wait for .1

ihavenopeopleskills , to Fediverse
@ihavenopeopleskills@kbin.social avatar

Reddit is broken right now

lemmyreader ,

FWIW.They fixed the error.The old Reddit site was still up. Fediverse is the future! :)

lemmyreader ,

Thanks. Didn't know that Lubuntu did choose for a dot me domain name. TIL the Lubuntu mascot is called ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lubuntu_Lenny.svg.


I've tried the Ubuntu Beta on an old laptop and that gave fatal errors during installation. Tempting to see whether Lubuntu would save the day.

lemmyreader ,

IDK about Coreboot, but Android has a completely different userland. The only thing it has in common with Linux is the kernel.

Completely different ? How so ? Last time I did an adb shell I could use ls and find afair.

lemmyreader ,

Fancy.And nice to see another OpenBSD one posted in a few days time :)

lemmyreader ,

Here a post with similar question and an answer from two years ago where the OP claims that using uid= did not work :

From that link the comment starting with this paragraph below may work :

It occurs to me that as (a) I'm the only one accessing this share and (b) mode changes
are not written back to the CIFS filesystem anyway, it doesn't matter whether the mode
is 777 or 755. Therefore, the following fixes the issue:

lemmyreader OP ,

I also think it’s kind of interesting Gboard wasn’t included (?)

Indeed. But given it's Google I would not be surprised if Gboard has keylogger features.

lemmyreader ,

Personally I think for home users or niche there should be a snap less variant
of this distribution with all the bells and whistles.

There is : Linux Mint

help the developer of sway notification center out? - accessibility ( masto.destructatron.net )

Is anyone free to help the developer of sway notification center out? I have opened an issue about sway notification center's accessibility regressions in the notification list, and I have also suggested that when the notification appears, the accessible event is fired. The dev doesn't know how to do this however, so any input...

lemmyreader ,

Did your mouse sensitivity settings changed ? Does it happen on other browsers ? LibreWolf, Firefox ESR, Chromium, Otter etcetera ?

lemmyreader ,

How big is the ActivityPub network?

Because it’s decentralised, we don’t have an exact total. Based on data we have
about the largest ActivityPub platforms, particularly Meta/Threads, it’ll be between
170-200million users by the summer of 2024. Ghost will be adding tens-of-millions
more to that total.

Are you working together with anyone else on this?

Yes! Our friends at Buttondown are also building ActivityPub support right now,
and we've received kind offers of help from teams at Mastodon & the ActivityPub
spec authors.

Nice that Buttondown is also into it.

lemmyreader ,

Ghost is for writing blogs and Buttondown for sending newsletters, isn't it ?

kdeltachat - DeltaChat desktop client built with Kirigami ( git.sr.ht )

This is DeltaChat desktop client but not with the default Electron. Compile instructions for Debian, Arch Linux and openSUSE. One Linux distribution has this packaged : NixOS, package name kdeltachat-unstable. The software developer is also active in the DeltaChat forum. Posting this here to give this project some more attention...

lemmyreader OP ,

I've compiled kdeltachat yesterday and it is different from the default Electron based Deltachat desktop app. At startup it immediately shows a big configuration screen inviting the user to fill in email address, SMTP port and a lot more text fields. The default Deltachat app looks polished and much nicer for "normies". Ignoring and closing that configuration part and it looks like a simple Qt app without much colors so I guess it the app is a work in progress. Maybe I'll provide some screen shots later.

lemmyreader OP ,
lemmyreader OP ,

Compile it yourself! File a bug report with the software developer! (I'm just the messenger of this post) I've shared the web link of the project for people who dislike having too many Electron based applications on their computer, like people using older hardware. You may be fine with the Electron based one, screen shots of that here : https://delta.chat/en/

lemmyreader ,

Good. Next time you want to give a flatpak app more permissions consider using Flatseal : https://flathub.org/apps/com.github.tchx84.Flatseal

lemmyreader ,

Pleasant surprise to read NodeBB and Discourse are now federating with each other.

lemmyreader ,


lemmyreader OP ,

So if I help someone in Sudan, Syria or Iran to install Debian GNU/Linux I can be arrested by means of USA law, right ?

lemmyreader OP ,

Thanks for mentioning this.


The government modified the regulations again, substantially loosening them, and
Bernstein, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, challenged them
again. This time, he chose to represent himself, although he had no formal legal
training. On October 15, 2003, almost nine years after Bernstein first brought the
case, the judge dismissed it and asked Bernstein to come back when the government made
a "concrete threat".

lemmyreader OP ,

openSUSE has German origins, but was bought in the past by Novell in USA, then went into other USA hands, and then it was sold to a Swedish company's German sub division, and located in Luxembourg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUSE_S.A.

lemmyreader OP ,

That sounds like the real Linus alright. Was that on Tw(X)tter or Threads or Bluesky or Mastodon ?

lemmyreader OP ,

Wow! Thank you 🙂 🐧

lemmyreader ,

Which one ?


shows last posted 2 hours ago.

lemmyreader ,

Here it is fine for me in a browser on the desktop. Maybe your server blocked or muted something or has some configuration mistake ? Or maybe on your phone app ? Test on a few different browsers on desktop ? Try un-subcribe and then sub again ?


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